High-Quality Merch

XMessNFT will release exclusive products through its brand, this is a remarkable feature of the project, since the team is intrinsically linked to the digital world and they want to reflect this in a physical way, making it clear that exclusivity will not be dictated by the prices of our line but by the parts that will be of each one, which will be numbered.

XMessNFT holders will have a special discount on the metaverse stores, this with the aim of rewarding them with an important part of the project and maintaining a sense of belonging to the community, as well as developing a special section on the website with customized materials.

Collaborations with artists of the NFT community

Through the first collections, we explored the possibility of inviting artists from the community to share their own interpretations of the collection and how they visualize a character from XMess NFT and the wide range of ideas that emerge from the project.

We will make a call on Twitter and an exclusive channel will be created on our Discord server with the works of the participating artists, who will enter a contest of reactions in order for the artists to be rewarded for their ideas.

Last updated